John's Priorities
As a public school teacher and counselor, I see firsthand the challenges facing the education of our next generation every single day. From the first time the bell rings to the last, I work with our youth to help them learn and access ladders of opportunity to become well-educated adults.
Our children all deserve access to a high-quality education and I will work to ensure that our schools are properly funded, safe, and provide the type of education kids need for future success. I will fight for a state budget that invests in our schools including career-technical education, pre-kindergarten, and mental health programs. Ensuring increased funding from the state also protects taxpayers from increased local property taxes so that kids get the education they deserve and senior citizens aren't pushed out of their homes.
Economic Development for Jobs
My family has lived in Allegheny County for more than 160 years, but that was only possible because there were jobs available to earn a decent wage and raise a family.
To ensure that the next generation has the same opportunities, there needs to be economic development in our communities to spur the creation of high-quality jobs. To do that, we need to protect investments in our roads, bridges, and public transit, expand education opportunities of all kinds, and ensure that federal, state, and local grants are delivered back in our communities. I will fight for our fair share from Harrisburg and Washington D.C. so that generational investments are made here in our backyards.
Protecting Reproductive Freedom
In my view, pro-choice policies represent American ideals in their essence. If someone cannot make choices about their body and chosen way of life, then what freedoms and liberties do they actually have? The medical decisions an individual makes are between themselves and their doctor. As your state representative, I will vote to keep abortion safe and legal.
Safe Communities
As a borough councilman for the last 5 years, I've worked firsthand to ensure the safety of the West Mifflin community. That means supporting our first responders to ensure police, fire, and EMS have the resources they need to keep us all safe every day. As your state representative, I will continue to advocate for funding to support first responders, protect their rights to safe workplaces, and help support their efforts to ensure every street in every neighborhood I represent is safe.
Workers' Rights
Unequivocally, I will protect the fundamental American right to organize and zealously protect workers' rights to fair compensation and safe workplaces - whether that is in a steel mill, an operating room, a school, or a job site. As a proud card-carrying member of the American Federation of Teachers, I have seen firsthand the power of collective bargaining and shared responsibility of a union. I will fight in Harrisburg to ensure that every Pennsylvanian has the right to collectively bargain and join a union if they so choose.
Constituent Services
The core responsibility of a state representative is to ensure that the constituents they represent have access to the government services they deserve. I will continue the tradition of top-notch constituent services expected by the residents of PA House District 38. My office will serve as a problem solver for residents unsure how to solve their problem - if I can't help you, I'll find the right person who can and make sure it gets done. I will continue the current services offered by Representative Pisciottano including shredding events, senior fairs, and a phone that is always picked up by hard working, courteous, and professional staff in order to best serve you.